Welcome to EMC Fasteners & Tools
"The One-Stop Shop for Electrical, Plumbing & HVAC Distributors"

We are currently not able to ship any products
to Michigan or Ohio due to dealer agreements.
We only sell through distributors;
no contractors or end users please.
Call us to find a dealer near you.

EMC Fasteners and Tools is a leading manufacturer and supplier of components and related merchandise for the Electrical, Plumbing, and HVAC industries. Our core products include a full line of Fasteners, Anchor Kits, Threaded Rod, Wire Ties, Industrial Tools, and Safety Equipment. In addition, EMC is also the home of Jets Gloves, a company specializing in a wide variety of work gloves.
We are located in beautiful Brighton, MI, about 45 miles NW of the bustle of downtown Detroit. Although EMC has been servicing the Midwest region since its inception over 45 years ago, we have now expanded to a nationwide customer base by authorizing distributors and sale representatives all over the country. With worldwide manufacturing facilities, we are able to offer comprehensive product lines at extremely competitive prices. Our truck delivers daily to much of Lower Michigan as well as to major cities in the Northern Lower Peninsula and Ohio. If your city is not on our scheduled list of stops, we will ship it out to you promptly, using UPS and other private carriers to ensure that your order can reach you anywhere in the country.
Feel free to browse our new full-color online catalogue for complete product listings, and check out our current promotions for great deals. We can also help you increase your sales and make your business more profitable. If you are interested in being an authorized distributor or sales representative for EMC, we'd love to hear from you

Call and ask us how you could receive a FREE display!
Displays can be ordered with our hottest selling items, or
custom ordered to fit individual needs.
Display Features:
-Heavy duty metal construction
-Casters make display moveable to any location
-Suitable for free-standing or back-to-back installation
-48 inches wide
-Includes display sign and peg hooks